About Us

What We Do

We provide unbiased and independent expert witness reports, make recommendations to assist the process of managing claims for settlement or presentation at case conference and, if instructed, give evidence at Court. We give advice to our clients of making decisions in clinical negligence and personal injury matters. We advise Insurers and Law Firms of our findings after undertaking a home visit with the Claimant and carrying out a detailed assessment and analysis of the injured individual. In the case of Liability and Loss of Services, we review all documents provided before presenting our desktop report.

Our Journey So Far

John Marsh, Founder of West Care Experts says: “I was very fortunate to be introduced to the Medico Legal industry in 2009. I found myself instantly dealing with Law Firms, Insurers, Expert Witnesses and a host of knowledgeable industry members on a daily basis.

Even though I enjoyed my role immensely and the business achieved great things I wanted to do things differently; I wanted to provide a comprehensive business model that would be fair to all parties.”

After discussions and feedback form Experts, Lawyers and Insurance Companies about his vision for the new business, he launched West Care Experts in January 2014. 

From the beginning of the process through to completion of each case, West Care maintains a first-class well-rounded service, to ensure our clients receive the best possible outcome. Our office team works closely with our Experts to ensure their administrational burden is eased, which allows our Experts to focus more on the cases they are working on and less on the co-ordination side of reporting. John continues: “We have a great ethos in the company, which our clients benefit greatly from. Our team consists of industry professionals and an experienced dedicated Head Office Team.”

Over the years West Care has built up a strong team of professional Expert Witnesses. West Care prides itself with constantly attracting new talent, The Experts are carefully selected and added to its extensive portfolio to ensure all Client’s needs are covered. 

We have a dedicated and continually growing Head Office Team based in Bromley, Greater London. 

Client Testimonials

We can help you to achieve a successful outcome

our Experienced experts are here for you