Featured Expert

Expert Witness

Joanna Clarke

Adult Mental Health


  • Diploma of Higher Education in Nursing
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Acute In-Patient Care
  • NMC Registered Nurse – Specialist Practitioner

RMN Dip HE, PG Dip, Specialist Practitioner

Joanna is a professional and specialised nurse with over 30 years’ experience in the NHS and private sector, utilising excellent clinical, educational and managerial skills throughout the healthcare sector.

She is an experienced case manager, providing comprehensive INA assessments and individualised packages of care with comprehensive reports that demonstrate progress and need of the client.

She demonstrates empathy and respect, utilising excellent interpersonal skills when working with both Claimants and Defendants, working within the expert witness role preparing reports around causation and liability, care needs, breech of care, case management and complex presentations. References can be related to traumatic brain injury, catastrophic injury, multiple trauma and spinal injury. Specialist area of expertise in complex psychological trauma and mental health.

She continues to work in a combined clinical and managerial role within the NHS part-time, developing a new service that is providing specialist mental health care within the primary care setting.

Phone Number:

020 8460 7400





Reporting Areas

Including, but not limited to:

Quantum Reports
Mental Capacity Assessments
INA Reports
Case Management Reports