Featured Expert
Expert Witness
Lynne Jackson
Adult Mental Health
- BA (Hons) Psychology
- Post Grad Cert. in Education
- MSc in Psychology
Lynne has been in continuous practice as a Chartered Psychologist since 1987 working with adults, children and families in multi professional settings for Local Authorities.
In her role as an expert witness, she has provided psychological assessments for Family and Civil Courts and carried out assessments of prisoners.
Within the Family and Civil Courts she has prepared reports and regularly given evidence in court on several areas including:
- Assessment of attachment and bonding in families
- Assessment of parenting
- Alcohol and drug abuse as pertaining to parenting ability
- Domestic violence, physical, sexual and emotional abuse as pertaining to parenting ability
- Adult cognitive and personality assessment, including own family history in relation to
ability to parent. - Cognitive assessment of adults to determine competence
- Emotional/behavioural assessment of adults and children, including abused/ neglected/ at risk children
- Proposition of remedial/therapeutic options for the future
Phone Number:
020 8460 7400
Reporting Areas
Including, but not limited to:
Psychology Reports
Breach of Duty and Liability Reports
INA Reports
Mental Capacity Assessments