Featured Expert

Expert Witness

Richard Edgeworth

Adult Mental Health Nurse


1981     Registered Mental Nurse

1986     Registered General Nurse

1991     Diploma in Systemic Family and Marital Therapy

1995     M.Sc. in Health Services Management (with Distinction)

2004     Personality Assessment Course (‘Level B’ – British Psychological Society)

2004     Occupational Testing Course (‘Level A’ – British Psychological Society)

2005     National Patient Safety Agency – Root Cause Analysis Training

2005     Certificate in Life Coaching

2006     Diploma in Life Coaching (resulting in becoming a qualified Life Coach)

2006     Accelerated Lean Thinking Training (6 days) 


Richard has worked in the NHS for over thirty years. Qualified nurse in both mental health and general nursing and has held a number of nursing posts in a variety of clinical settings, including at senior nurse level. Has also had general management experience, including managing complaints and critical incidents, and has provided nursing expertise to two homicide inquiries. Richard’s current role as a Service Improvement Consultant in South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust involves working alongside clinical teams, supporting them to implement service and quality improvement, and I provide similar external consultancy support to other Trusts.

Richard has been an adviser in mental health nursing to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman since 2002 and have acted as an expert witness in many medico-legal cases and inquests (approximately 150 cases).

Phone Number:

020 8460 7400





Reporting Areas

Including, but not limited to:

Breach of Duty and Liability Reports
Mental Capacity Assessments
Supplementary Reports
Critique Reports